Event Category: 1
Short title: TEHI 2023
Full title: 3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics
Event Start Date: 2023-12-19
Event End Date: 2023-12-20
Event Venue: Jahangirnagar Univerisity, Bangladesh
Description: TEHI 2023 International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics (TEHI-2023) which focuses on experimental, theoretical and applicable aspects of innovations in Healthcare, Biomedical, Artificial Intelligence and Electronics. Electronics and Healthcare informatics has emerged in the health domain providing extremely wide variety of solutions using computational techniques. Healthcare informatics is a spectrum of diverse fields that includes study of the design, development and applications of computational techniques to improve health care. In academia, medical informatics research focusses on applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare and designing medical devices based on embedded systems. Medical informatics also includes modern applications of neuro-informatics and cognitive informatics in the fields of brain mapping and emulation. In the technical fields such as computer engineering, software engineering, bio-inspired computing, theoretical computer science, data science, autonomic computing, and behaviour informatics along with Electronics, researchers are working to provide substantial solutions in the field of Health Informatics for treatment. The Conference aims to provide an opportunity to gather all these researchers, scholars and experts from academia and industry working in the streams of basic and applied sciences, engineering and technology to share their research findings.
Event Country: 18
Event Website: https://tehi2023.iitju.edu.bd/
Support Person Name: M Shamim Kaiser
Support Person Phone: +880 1783 567890
Support Person Email: mskaiser@juniv.edu